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W.I.N.G. (or Wonder.Idol.Nova.GrandPrix.) is the first produce scenario that has been in the game since its inception. The main objective of W.I.N.G. is to reach 100,000 fans by the end of the 4th season to advance to the semi-finals, then finals, and eventually win and bring the idol to the top.

This is also the only mode wherein True Ends for produce cards can be unlocked.

Production Timeline

No. of weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 1 week 1 week
Season Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Semi-finals Finals

W.I.N.G. is divided into 4 regular seasons, W.I.N.G. semi-finals/preliminaries, and W.I.N.G. finals. Each season has eight weeks for idols to do activities and has a specific number of fans that need to be gained in order to proceed to the next season, as seen below:

Fanrequirement.png Rank No. of Fans Required
S 1,000,000 Fans
A 500,000 Fans
B 100,000 Fans
C 50,000 Fans
D 10,000 Fans
E 1,000 Fans
Season No. of Fans Needed to Advance (Rank)
Season 1 1,000 Fans (E Rank)
Season 2 10,000 Fans (D Rank)
Season 3 50,000 Fans (C Rank)
Season 4 100,000 Fans (B Rank)

To get to season 2 and guarantee that your produce idol enters E Rank, you need 1,000 fans. To get to season 3 and D Rank, 10,000 fans. To get to season 4 and C Rank, 50,000 fans. To be eligible to join W.I.N.G. semi-finals and reach B rank, you need 100,000 fans by the end of season 4.

Produce Interface

After the initial commus, this screen should appear:


The display on the upper part of the screen shows the following (from top center to upper left): the number of weeks left in the season, what rank your idol currently is, how many fans your idol needs to advance to the next season, the produce stamina gauge, with the current idol's tension; the Memory Appeal's current level, and the affection gauge which shows how much affection is needed to move to the next Memory Appeal level.

On the right side is a button that lets you go back to the main page (ホームに戻る). Below that is the options button (オプション), which leads to the options menu.

On the left side of the screen are buttons for (from top to bottom), the unit that you have (ユニット), changing costumes (衣装変更), and the produce items you brought (アイテム). The unit button lets you review the produce unit you brought and even change their outfits. The costume button lets you change the produce idol's costume. The item button lets you view the items that you brought, and if the items are consumable, you can use the items.

Rest Boost activation

At the bottom part of the screen are the actual produce activities. On the bottom left part is the calendar which leads you to the lessons, work and auditions portion of the run. More on them later. Beside it on the right is a coffee mug, which when pressed (and after a confirmation), your produce idol can go take a break, restoring her produce stamina. In some cases, a support idol's rest boost will activate, allowing the produce idol to restore stamina back to full or close to full.

On the bottom right is the current trend display, showing the trends for this week. Clicking on it shows the trends and your present status, such as your current rank, the fan goal for the season, how many fans your produce idol needs, and your produce idol's current stats.

Trend screen

To the left of the trend screen is a set of papers (振り返り) that when clicked, will lead to the idol's Skill Panel.


The Skill Panel enables your produce idol to learn Live Skills and Passive Skills from her tree, as well as the Skill Panels of the supports in the unit. Each node costs SP to learn, and the cost is shown at the bottom part of the node. Certain skills need to be learned prior to learning skills in the upper rows. Some skills are locked, which either requires uncaps or reading commus for these skills to be accessible. If a Live Skill from a support idol is learned, then the same skill in other supports will then cost 0 SP.

The button on the upper left shows the appeal skills learned by the produce idol, as well as her current stats. Below it is a checkmark that when clicked, will allow you to disable passive skills of your liking.
On the right side are the zoom in and zoom out buttons.

Lessons and Work

Pressing the calendar on the bottom left of the produce home screen will lead to the actual produce screen, which lets you choose between lessons (レッスン), work (お仕事), and auditions (オーディション).

There are three lesson rooms, each pertaining to a specific stat: Vocal, Dance and Visual. These rooms give out additional stats of their respective specialty along with some SP and fans.

There are also three work types:

  • Radio Recording gives out a small stat raise to Vocal and a large raise to your produce idol's Mental, along with some SP and fans.
  • Talk Show Event gives out a small stat raise to Dance and a large raise to SP, alongside some Mental and fans.
  • Magazine Shoot gives out a small raise to Visual and some Mental and SP, but can give out a large amount of fans. It also consumes the least amount of stamina among the activities.

If you want to take that specific lesson/room, press the pink button on the bottom right (決定). Every time you take a lesson or do work, there is a chance that that specific room can level up, meaning the room can give out more stats than usual.

Doing lessons, work, auditions, or rest will consume 1 in-game week in the season.

At the upper-right of all lessons/rooms in a red indicator, known as the Trouble Chance. As your stamina lowers, the percent chance of Trouble occurring increases. Should it happen, there are one of two outcomes:

  • Failure: You lose a small amount of the stat you would have gained, along with SP and Tension, and an additional loss to Stamina.
  • Catastrophe: A drastic loss to Stamina, stats gained for the room, SP, and your Tension drops to the lowest possible level.

Beside the pink button is another button (サポートスキル) that shows the list of active support skills for each idol in a given room.

Each week, your support idols can be in one of the rooms, increasing the stats the idol can gain. Some support cards even have room masteries which can have beneficial effects to the run, such as more SP gain when a support is in a lesson room or at work.

The support idols also have a bond gauge above them. This can be filled up either by going into a room with those supports in there, or by bringing unit-specific/283Pro keychains/towels/t-shirts before the start of the produce run. Filling up the bond gauge would mean that there is a higher chance that the support idol can proc an "Excellent" in the room they are in, meaning you can gain more stats than usual after doing the lesson/work, as well as increased chance of unlocking support commus. Higher support bonds would also mean more damage dealt by their appeals during auditions.

Sometimes there is a chance that a "Perfect" can occur during a lesson/work. When this happens, the amount of stats and SP gained is doubled. There is also the "Perfect and Excellent" event, which means even more stats and SP are gained.

Produce, Idol and Support Events

Produce and support idols all have commus during the produce run called "Events", which delve deeper into the backstory of the idol's relationship with the producer (for produce cards), and the idol's relationship with certain members of their unit (for support cards).

For produce cards, there are two kinds of events: Idol and Produce Events.

  • Idol Events are specific to your produce idol's card, and only P-SRs/P-SSRs can have such events. P-SRs obtained from events can have one idol event, P-SRs obtained from gacha can have two, and P-SSRs from gacha can have up to four. Idol Events can appear depending on how high the Memory Appeal of your produce idol is. Sometimes, if an idol does not appear on the previous season, up to two Idol Events can be triggered.
  • Produce Events are bound to the idol regardless of which produce card you are producing. Each idol has four Produce Events and one is guaranteed to appear every season.

In both Idol and Produce events, most commus can let you choose which answer to give to the idol. These can give you stats and some Mental and SP at the end of the commu depending on what answer you choose. To see what stats a choice can give, the Secret Notebook can be brought before the start of the produce run.

Support Event commus are bound to the support card, meaning each support card has their own unique support commus. S-SSRs can have 3-4 commus, while S-SRs can have 2-3 commus, and S-Rs can have 2 commus at most. These support commus do not require the player to choose, and will just give out stats at the end of the commu.


Pre-Audition Commu
Main Article: Audition Info

Aside from lessons and work, you need to do auditions to progress through W.I.N.G. Each season has a set number of fans that need to be cleared in order to proceed to the next season. Auditions allow you to gain huge amounts of fans in order to meet these fan requirements. For more info regarding auditions in general, please check the Audition Info page.

Prior to the audition, you and your produce idol will have a quick commu with a choice. Selecting the right choice can increase the idol's tension if it is not yet maxed. Otherwise, selecting the wrong choice could lower the tension of your idol. Your produce idol's tension determines how much your Memory Appeal gauge is filled, if it is at least level 1. Like the morning commus and the produce/idol events, you can check which answer is the right one by bringing a Secret Notebook.

In order to pass the audition, you must be at least 2nd Place in rankings within the audition. Should you reach either 1st or 2nd Place, you pass the audition and you gain bonus stats. Some support idols also increase the stats you gain through audition masteries, but require you to be at 1st Place to get these bonuses.

W.I.N.G Prelims and Finals

See Also: Audition Info

If you have reached 100,000 fans on (or before) season 4, you are eligible to enter W.I.N.G. semi-finals. W.I.N.G. semi-finals works similar to Auditions, but this time it requires you to reach 1st Place in order to advance to W.I.N.G. finals. Otherwise, the produce run will just end. Should you win the semi-finals, you gain bonus stats and an additional 5,000 fans, and you can proceed to the finals.

The same applies to W.I.N.G. finals, in which you need to reach 1st place in order to win. After winning, you gain bonus stats and an additional 10,000 fans.


After the post-run commus, regardless of whether you managed to win/lose W.I.N.G. or fail to meet any of the target fan counts, the end screen remains the same:


This screen shows how high your idol's affection is and the number of fans the idol gained during the entire run, both of these are converted to SP. The total amount of fans gained for that particular idol is shown here as well.

The screen afterwards then shows your post-produce stats: showing how much SP you have left, your idol's stats, the skills learned, and the support cards used. You can spend the SP by pressing the white button at the lower right part of the screen (振り返り), which leads to the skill panel. Once you are done using as much SP as possible, press the pink button at the bottom right (フェスアイドル誕生). A confirmation box will then appear, indicating that any remaining unused SP will be scrapped. If you are really certain with your decision, press the pink button to transform your produce idol into a Fes idol.

Note: The produce card you used won't disappear from your collection, so you can still build multiple Fes idols with that same card.

After the conversion is done, you will get a screen that shows the idol's rank and a gauge that indicates how close you are to the next rank. Afterwards, a window that shows your trust level gauge and the rewards you gained after the produce run will appear. Drops from produce runs include training tickets, produce items, and (in some cases) even feather jewels. If your idol's trust levels increase, rewards for reaching that level will appear on the rewards page as well, and a screen showing a special commu with that idol will then appear afterwards. After those screens, the EX skill screen will appear, showing what EX skills your idols have obtained after the run.

Finally, the Fes idol's stats screen will appear. Here, you can choose to lock the idol using the lock button on the upper center part of the screen, as well as set an icon for the Fes idol at the upper left part of the Fes idol's art.

Obtaining the True End

True Ends are special commus unique to W.I.N.G. Only P-SRs and P-SSRs have True Ends. However, those that were evolved through iDoLRO@D do not.

In order to obtain the True End, you must do the following:

  1. Obtain 500,000 fans with your produce idol by the end of Season 4. The fans you gain after W.I.N.G. prelims/finals do not count.
  2. Win W.I.N.G. prelims and finals.

Each P-SR/P-SSR card has a True End, detailing a special event between the produce idol and the producer for that specific card. Obtaining a card's True End for the first time also rewards feather jewels through the accompanying special mission. P-SR True Ends give out 3000 feather jewels, while P-SSR True Ends give out 6000 jewels.

Beginner and Master Modes

Added in the July 29, 2022 patch, Beginner and Master Modes were added to W.I.N.G.

In Beginner Mode, Judges are noticeably weaker, but as a consequence ex skill drop rates and the chance of obtaining passives/skills for know how books is lowered. True ends can't be obtained in Beginner Mode.

Master Mode on the other hand is much more challenging. Judges are tougher and the AI patterns for rivals during auditions have been changed. However, drop rates for ex skills are increased, and the chance of obtaining passives/skills for know how books is also increased. True ends can be obtained in Master Mode
