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Unit Data
Original Name ノクチル
Romanized Name Nokuchiru
Translated Name noctchill
Agency 283 Production
Image Color

noctchill is one of the units appearing in SHINY COLORS and Song of Prism, consisting of Toru Asakura, Madoka Higuchi, Koito Fukumaru, and Hinana Ichikawa.


Hinana Profile02.png Toru Profile02.png Madoka Profile02.png Koito Profile02.png
Hinana Ichikawa Toru Asakura Madoka Higuchi Koito Fukumaru


Hover over the text to see the original.

Goodbye, To Our Transpicuous Selves (Chill Out, Noctiluca)

An idol unit full of transparency, formed by four childhood friends.
They don't have to be someone──
These girls become a blue breeze chasing the running waves.



  • Their unit name is named after the Noctiluca scintillans, a relatively large one-celled dinoflagellate that exhibits bioluminescence when disturbed.