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Landing Point

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Produce screen in the Landing Point scenario.
Landing Point can be accessed from Produce mode scenario selection after completing G.R.A.D.

Landing Point, also known as 283 Productions' Unit-Solo Live Landing Point (283プロダクション ユニット単独ライブ Landing Point) is a Produce mode scenario that was introduced to the game in May 2021.

Landing Point is unlocked by completing the G.R.A.D. scenario at least once. Currently CoMETIK is the only unit that has no Landing Point scenario.

Production Timeline

Much like the other three produce modes, Landing Point is divided into four seasons, each season having eight weeks. There is no preliminary event unlike in the other three modes. Instead after the fourth week, the actual Landing Point audition occurs.


Supports and Proficiency

Supports now have proficiencies. Proficiencies allow the produce idol to gain bonuses when a specific proficiency gauge of a given song gets filled. There are five proficiencies, each corresponding to a particular stat. These are LP Vocal.png Vocal Prowess (Vocal), LP Dance.png Stability (Dance), LP Visual.png Expressiveness (Visual), LP Mental.png Focus (Mental), and LP SP.png Teamwork (SP). Each support card can have one or two proficiencies. The amount of proficiency points given by a specific card is dependent on the support card's level:

Proficiency Point Distribution
Level Range Proficiency Points
1-59 4
60-69 5
70-79 6
80 8

The First Three Seasons

For the first three seasons, you get to pick a song. Upon picking a song, you are prompted to select a guest idol which can lend her proficiency points for that given song. Afterwards, you can now proceed with the produce run for that season.

List of available songs and effects
Song Attribute Song Level Fes Tours skill Produce bonus / Fes Tours Effect
BRILLI@NT WING 02.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No Affection +5
Lv.20 ヒカリのdestination Increase all base stats by 10%
Lv.20 幸運(ヒカリのdestination) Illumination STARS-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Strength recovery (large), SP+50
Lv.40 ヒカリのdestination+ Increase all base stats by 15%
Lv.40 幸運(ヒカリのdestination)+ Illumination STARS-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Vocal+75, Dance+75, Visual+75, SP+25
GR@DATE WING 02.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No SP+25, Tension up (small)
Lv.20 疲れにくい(Twinkle way) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 Twinkle way Illumination STARS-Icon.png Unit specific - Appeal strength +10% up
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Dance+25, Visual+25, All idol bond increase (medium)
Lv.40 疲れにくい(Twinkle way)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 Twinkle way+ Illumination STARS-Icon.png Unit specific - Appeal strength +15% up
Lv.50 No Vocal+25, Dance+25, Visual+25, Mental+25
BRILLI@NT WING 03.jpg Skill Live Vo.png Lv.10 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+25
Lv.20 バベルシティ・グレイス Decrease mental damage taken by 3%
Lv.20 幸運(バベルシティ・グレイス) LAntica-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+75, Strength Recovery (small)
Lv.40 バベルシティ・グレイス+ Decrease mental damage taken by 5%
Lv.40 幸運(バベルシティ・グレイス)+ LAntica-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Vocal+100, Vocal Limit+50, Affection+25
GR@DATE WING 03.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(Black Reverie) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 Black Reverie LAntica-Icon.png Unit specific - Increase appeal strength up to 25% [effect up at lower mental]
Lv.30 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+75, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.40 疲れにくい(Black Reverie)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 Black Reverie+ LAntica-Icon.png Unit specific - Increase appeal strength up to 30% [effect up at lower mental]
Lv.50 No Dance+100, Dance Limit+100, Affection+25
BRILLI@NT WING 04.jpg Skill Live Vo.png Lv.10 No Vocal+25, SP+25
Lv.20 夢咲きAfterschool Increase all base stats by 20% / Attention 10% up
Lv.20 幸運(夢咲きAfterschool) Houkago Climax Girls-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+100
Lv.40 夢咲きAfterschool+ Increase all base stats by 30% / Attention +15% up
Lv.40 幸運(夢咲きAfterschool)+ Houkago Climax Girls-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Vocal+100, Vocal Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
GR@DATE WING 04.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No SP+25, Mental+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(五ツ座流星群) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 五ツ座流星群 Houkago Climax Girls-Icon.png Unit specific - Judge's interest 2% up
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Dance+25, Visual+25, SP+50
Lv.40 疲れにくい (五ツ座流星群)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 五ツ座流星群+ Houkago Climax Girls-Icon.png Unit specific - Judge's interest 4% up
Lv.50 No Vocal+75, Dance+75, Visual+75, Strength recovery (small)
BRILLI@NT WING 05.jpg Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+25
Lv.20 アルストロメリア Influence -2% down
Lv.20 幸運(アルストロメリア) Alstroemeria-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+75, Strength recovery (small)
Lv.40 アルストロメリア+ Influence -3% down
Lv.40 幸運(アルストロメリア)+ Alstroemeria-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Visual+100, Visual Limit+50, Strength recovery (extra large)
GR@DATE WING 05.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(ダブル・イフェクト) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 ダブル・イフェクト Alstroemeria-Icon.png Unit specific - Increase appeal strength up to 15% [effect up at higher mental]
Lv.30 No Dance+25, Dance limit+75, Strength recovery (small)
Lv.40 疲れにくい(ダブル・イフェクト)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 ダブル・イフェクト+ Alstroemeria-Icon.png Unit specific - Increase appeal strength up to 20% [effect up at higher mental]
Lv.50 No Dance+100, Dance Limit+50, Strength recovery (extra large)
FR@GMENT WING 06.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+25
Lv.20 Wandering Dream Chaser Every Vocal/Dance/Visual down status have a 25% chance to be removed at each turn
Lv.20 幸運(Wandering Dream Chaser) Straylight-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+75, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.40 Wandering Dream Chaser+ Every Vocal/Dance/Visual down status have a 50% chance to be removed at each turn
Lv.40 幸運(Wandering Dream Chaser)+ Straylight-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Dance+100, Dance Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
GR@DATE WING 06.jpg Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(Hide & Attack) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 Hide & Attack Straylight-Icon.png Unit specific - Medium chance to apply a Vocal&Dance&Visual 5% up status at each turn
Lv.30 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+75, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.40 疲れにくい(Hide & Attack)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 Hide & Attack+ Straylight-Icon.png Unit specific - Low chance to apply a Vocal&Dance&Visual 10% up status at each turn
Lv.50 No Visual+100, Visual Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
GR@DATE WING 07.jpg Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+25
Lv.20 いつだって僕らは Increase appeal strength by 20% [until damage taken]
Lv.20 幸運(いつだって僕らは) Noctchill-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+75, Affection+1
Lv.40 いつだって僕らは+ Increase appeal strength by 25% [until damage taken]
Lv.40 幸運(いつだって僕らは)+ Noctchill-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Visual+100, Visual Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+1
L@YERED WING 07.png Skill Live Vo.png Lv.10 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(僕らだけの未来の空) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 僕らだけの未来の空 Noctchill-Icon.png Unit specific - Medium chance to apply a Evasion 10% up status at each turn
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+75, Strength recovery (small)
Lv.40 疲れにくい(僕らだけの未来の空+) Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 僕らだけの未来の空+ Noctchill-Icon.png Unit specific - Low chance to apply a Evasion 20% up status at each turn
Lv.50 No Vocal+100, Vocal Limit+50, Strength recovery (extra large)
L@YERED WING 08.png Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, SP+25
Lv.20 OH MY GOD Medium chance to apply a Visual 10% up status at each turn
Lv.20 幸運(OH MY GOD) SHHis-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+100
Lv.40 OH MY GOD+ Low chance to apply a Visual 20% up status at each turn
Lv.40 幸運(OH MY GOD)+ SHHis-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Visual+100, Visual Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
PANOR@MA WING 08.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, SP+25
Lv.20 疲れにくい(Fashionable) Reduce stamina usage for live events (small)
Lv.20 Fashionable SHHis-Icon.png Unit specific - Increase all base stats by 15%
Lv.30 No Dance+25, Dance limit+100
Lv.40 疲れにくい(Fashionable)+ Reduce stamina usage for live events (medium)
Lv.40 Fashionable+ SHHis-Icon.png Unit specific - Unit specific - Increase all base stats by 20%
Lv.50 No Dance+100, Dance Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
CANVAS 08.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+25
Lv.20 無自覚アプリオリ Appeal strength +10% up
Lv.20 幸運(無自覚アプリオリ) Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Dance+25, Dance Limit+100
Lv.40 無自覚アプリオリ+ Appeal strength +15% up
Lv.40 幸運(無自覚アプリオリ)+ Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Dance+100, Dance Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
CANVAS 08.jpg Skill Live Vo.png Lv.10 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+25
Lv.20 くだらないや Increase all base stats by 15%
Lv.20 幸運(くだらないや) Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Vocal Limit+100
Lv.40 くだらないや+ Increase all base stats by 20%
Lv.40 幸運(くだらないや)+ Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Vocal+100, Vocal Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
CANVAS 08.jpg Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+25
Lv.20 平行線の美学 Influence -2% down
Lv.20 幸運(平行線の美学) Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (small)
Lv.30 No Visual+25, Visual Limit+100
Lv.40 平行線の美学+ Influence -3% down
Lv.40 幸運(平行線の美学)+ Cometik-Icon.png Unit specific - Chance to increase received quantity of FesTours items (medium)
Lv.50 No Visual+100, Visual Limit+50, SP+25, Affection+10
BRILLI@NT WING 01.jpg Skill Live Vo.png Lv.10 No Vocal+25, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.20 Spread the Wings!! Increase Vocal base stats by 25%
Lv.30 No Vocal+50, Mental+25, Affection+5
Lv.40 Spread the Wings!!+ Increase Vocal base stats by 50%
Lv.50 No Vocal+100, SP+100, Strength recovery (medium)
SE@SONAL WINTER.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No Mental+25, SP++25
Lv.20 SNOW FLAKES MEMORIES Vocal&Dance&Visual 10% up
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Dance+25, Visual+25, Mental+25, SP+25
Lv.40 SNOW FLAKES MEMORIES+ Vocal&Dance&Visual 20% up
Lv.50 No Vocal+50, Dance+50, VIsual+50, Mental+50, SP+50
SWEET♡STEP.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No Vocal+10, Dance+10, Visual+10, Mental+10, SP+10
Lv.20 SWEET♡STEP Vocal&Dance&Visual 10% up
Lv.30 No Vocal+25, Dance+25, Visual+25, Mental+25, SP+25
Lv.40 SWEET♡STEP+ Vocal&Dance&Visual 20% up
Lv.50 No Vocal+50, Dance+50, VIsual+50, Mental+50, SP+50
GR@DATE WING 01.jpg Skill Live Da.png Lv.10 No Dance+25, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.20 シャイノグラフィ Increase Dance base stats by 25%
Lv.30 No Dance+50, Mental+25, Affection+5
Lv.40 シャイノグラフィ+ Increase Dance base stats by 50%
Lv.50 No Dance+100, SP+100, Strength recovery (medium)
L@YERED WING 01.png Skill Live Vi.png Lv.10 No Visual+25, All idol bond increase (small)
Lv.20 Resonance⁺ Increase Visual base stats by 25%
Lv.30 No Visual+50, Mental+25, Affection+5
Lv.40 Resonance⁺+ Increase Visual base stats by 50%
Lv.50 No Visual+100, SP+100, Strength recovery (medium)
PANOR@MA WING 01.jpg Skill Live All.png Lv.10 No SP+50
Lv.20 虹の行方 Increase All base stats by 10%
Lv.30 No SP+100
Lv.40 虹の行方+ Increase All base stats by 15%
Lv.50 No Vocal+50, Dance+50, Visual+50, Mental+50, SP+50

To level up a song, its proficiency gauges have to be filled up. Each song has its own proficiency gauges; one gauge per proficiency. Proficiency points can be earned by doing lessons or work. Each lesson or work room has its own proficiencies. The higher the level of the room, the higher the proficiency points given by that room. Additional points are given by supports present in the room. The guest idol also gives out her proficiency points in any room. Hitting perfects, excellents or both further increases proficiency gain. Filling up a gauge will level up the song and gives out bonus stats.

Each song can be leveled up to 50, with milestone bonuses every 10 levels. These milestone rewards vary from song to song and can give bonus stats, or unit specific bonuses. Note that these unit specific bonuses are unusable in Fes Rehearsal, GradeFes or CollaboFes. Those will become useful for Fes Tours once it is implemented. Each song also has a specific set of missions that, when completed, can give bonuses while the produce run is ongoing.

Each of the three seasons have their own minimum song level requirements. Lvl 15 for Season 1, Lvl 20 for Season 2, and Lvl 25 for Season 3. Meeting these minimum levels at the end of each season can grant bonus fans, stats and increases tension, as well as recover stamina. Failing to do so will lower tension.

The Fourth Season

The fourth and final season plays similar to the first season, but with a few differences:

  • Minimum Level Requirements are now lifted
  • You can now level up any of the three songs and jump to any song you wish to focus on

The Landing Point Event

After all four seasons have passed, The Landing Point event begins.


Before the home screen appears, a special screen will pop up (see above), showing the three songs you have selected. You can select and drag the songs to arrange the order by which the songs will be played. Each song also has it's own fever effects. A song's primary fever effect is dependent on the song, while the sub effects are dependent on how high each proficiency level of that particular song is. After pressing the pink confirm button, you will be taken back to the produce home screen. At this point you can only unlock skills or proceed with the Landing Point Event.

Song Fever Effect
Hikari no destination Vocal&Dance&Visual 100% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Twinkle way
Babel City Grace MentalDmg 50% CUT /
Vocal&Dance&Visual 50% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Black Reverie
Yumesaki After school Attention 200% UP /
Vocal&Dance&Visual 150% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Itsutsuza Ryuuseigun
Alstroemeria Mental 50% Heal /
Vocal&Dance&Visual 50% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Double Effect
Wandering Dream Chaser Vocal&Dance&Visual 20% UP to All Units [6 turns] /
Vocal&Dance&Visual 30% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Hide & Attack
Itsudatte Bokura wa Reaction 50% UP /
Vocal&Dance&Visual 50% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Bokura Dake no Mirai no Sora
OH MY GOD Vocal&Dance&Visual 100% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Mujikaku A Priori Dance 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Kudaranai ya Vocal 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Heikousen no Bigaku Visual 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Spread the Wings!! Vocal 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Vocal&Dance&Visual 80% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Niji no Yukue
Shinography Dance 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Resonance⁺ Visual 200% UP to All Units [6 turns]
Proficiency Sub Effect Level & Effect Amount
5-9 10-14 15-19 20 (MAX)
LP Vocal.png Vocal Prowess Last Appeal to the Vocal Audience will Increase the Voltage Gauge By the Level's Effect Amount +2 +4 +6 +8
LP Dance.png Stability Last Appeal to the Dance Audience will increase the Voltage Gauge By the Level's Effect Amount
LP Visual.png Expressiveness Last Appeal to the Visual Audience will increase the Voltage Gauge By the Level's Effect Amount
LP Mental.png Focus Appeal to the Audience will give a Bonus to the Voltage Gauge By the Level's Effect Amount +1 +2 +3 +4
LP SP.png Teamwork

In the landing point event itself, the current song is introduced, then the landing point event begins. The layout is almost similar to auditions in other produce modes, but with a few noticeable changes, as seen in the screenshot below:


In Landing Point, the usual rivals are replaced with that produce idol's unitmates, and a gauge on top called "arena voltage". The goal of the landing point event is to fill up the arena voltage bar above certain thresholds per song. There are also fever thresholds wherein if reached, it will unlock fever time wherein the song's fever effects will be active for the unit. To fill up the voltage gauge, you and your unitmates must keep hitting the audience with appeals. When hitting certain audiences' appeal thresholds as well as dependent on the level of Focus and Teamwork proficiencies, the voltage gauge fills up by a certain amount. When the audiences' appeal meter gets filled, the voltage gauge fills up greatly. You have to reach the threshold within 6 turns or less so that the song can be cleared. After all three songs are played, depending on how many songs you cleared, your produce idol will gain a special bonus effect.


After the post-run commus are done, the post-run screens will appear as normal. Much like in previous produce modes, you can spend whatever SP you have left for passives and appeals. The post-awakening screen is also similar to previous produce modes, but this time, the fes idol produced will also have any bonuses unlocked from clearing song level thresholds during the run.