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Unit Data
Original Name アンティーカ
Romanized Name Antiika
Translated Name L'Antica
Agency 283 Production
Image Color

L'Antica is one of the units appearing in SHINY COLORS and Song of Prism, consisting of Kogane Tsukioka, Mamimi Tanaka, Sakuya Shirase, Yuika Mitsumine, and Kiriko Yukoku.


Mamimi Profile02.png Kiriko Profile02.png Kogane Profile02.png Yuika Profile02.png Sakuya Profile02.png
Mamimi Tanaka Kiriko Yukoku Kogane Tsukioka Yuika Mitsumine Sakuya Shirase


Hover over the text to see the original.

Turn, The Rusted Key Of Fate

A revolutionary unit of the new world.
The flame smoldering in their hearts becomes a "Song", their lonely tears becomes a "Wish".
Clad in gothic dresses, they sing on for hope.



  • Their unit name comes from the Italian feminine form of "the antique".