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Typical produce home menu screen in the G.R.A.D. scenario, showing Insights, Fan Satisfaction and the Ability menu button.
G.R.A.D. can be accessed from Produce mode scenario selection after completing Thanks Flapping Day.

G.R.A.D. is a Produce mode scenario that was introduced to the game in May 2020. In this scenario, your chosen produce idol participates in a televised idol competition known as Grand.Repute.AuDition.. The G.R.A.D. scenario features a unique story for each idol, as well as unlockable special abilities that will carry over when your produce idol becomes a Fes idol after completing production.

Gameplay in G.R.A.D. revolves around Insight tokens, which are earned through lessons or jobs together with support idols. You can spend Insight tokens by learning Abilities or exchanging them for stats through PR Activities.

G.R.A.D. is unlocked by completing the Thanks Flapping Day scenario at least once.

Production Timeline

GRAD Timeline.png

Like the W.I.N.G. and Thanks Flapping Day scenarios, G.R.A.D. takes place across 4 seasons, each of which consist of 8 weeks. After season 2, your idol will participate in the G.R.A.D. Qualifiers. The game will continue into season 3 and 4 regardless of the outcome of the Qualifiers.

Losing the Qualifiers means your idol will get a second chance in the Repechage audition immediately after season 4. If you have won the Qualifiers, however, the repechage week instead becomes a regular produce week that can be freely spent on a lesson, job or PR Activity. The Repechage week is followed by the G.R.A.D. Finals.


Block selection screen. The currently selected block, Block A, offers a boost to the vocal lesson room.

At the start of every season, you are presented with a choice of 4 'blocks'. The blocks represent city districts, each home to a different crowd of fans with independent Fan Satisfaction levels.

Each block also provides temporary benefits for the duration of the season:

Block Map Location Room Level Effect
GRAD Block A.png Block A Minato Vocal Lesson Room Level +3
GRAD Block B.png Block B Shibuya Dance Lesson Room Level +3
GRAD Block C.png Block C Shinjuku Visual Lesson Room Level +3
GRAD Block D.png Block D Chiyoda Radio Level +2, Talk Show Level +2, Photoshoot Level +2

Fan Satisfaction

Fan Satisfaction in each block starts at 0%. You can increase Fan Satisfaction in your currently selected block to up to 100% by making your idol perform PR Activities. There are various benefits to raising Fan Satisfaction:

  • Higher stat gains from lessons and jobs
  • Stronger Fan Cheering buffs during G.R.A.D. auditions
  • Determines the #1 trend during G.R.A.D. auditions
  • Unlocks abilities

Lessons & Jobs

When selecting a lesson or job in G.R.A.D., the Insight attributes of your support idols are displayed above their friendship gauge.
After a lesson or job, Insight tokens corresponding to the support idols in the room are added to your Insight tray.

All of the familiar lesson and job rooms featured in the W.I.N.G. and T.F.D. scenarios are back in G.R.A.D., but the base number of stats earned per lesson/job is comparatively low. Like in the other scenarios, these stat gains will improve as the room levels up, however do note that the room may only level up when there is no temporary room level boost from the Room Level Effect above. In addition to this, the fan satisfaction level in your current block and the total stats of your support idols will also contribute to stat gains from lessons and jobs in G.R.A.D.


Whenever you take a lesson or job together with your support idols, each support idol will give you an Insight token corresponding to their type. These tokens can be spent either by learning abilities or by doing PR activities. You can only hold up to 8 tokens at a time. Occassionally you will receive a double Insight token marked as 'x2'. These are worth 2 tokens, while only taking up a single slot in the Insight token tray.

There are 4 basic types of Insight tokens: Vocal, Dance, Visual and Mental. The type of Insight token earned by spending time with a support idol is tied to the idol herself, not to any specific support card.

Insight Attribute Idols
Vocal Insight.png Vocal ManoIcon.pngKirikoIcon.pngKahoIcon.pngChiyukiIcon.pngFuyukoIcon.pngMadokaIcon.pngLucaIcon.png
Dance Insight.png Dance MeguruIcon.pngYuikaIcon.pngJuriIcon.pngRinzeIcon.pngAsahiIcon.pngHinanaIcon.pngNichikaIcon.png
Visual Insight.png Visual HioriIcon.pngMamimiIcon.pngSakuyaIcon.pngAmanaIcon.pngTenkaIcon.pngToruIcon.pngMikotoIcon.pngHanaIcon.png
Mental Insight.png Mental KoganeIcon.pngChiyokoIcon.pngNatsuhaIcon.pngMeiIcon.pngKoitoIcon.pngHarukiIcon.png

In addition to these 4 types, SSR support idol cards will sometimes randomly give you an SSR Insight token in addition to their regular token. This will happen more frequently for idols at a higher evolution stage. SSR tokens can be used as a wild card to substitute for any of the 4 basic types when learning abilities.

Unlike Ideas in the Thanks Flapping Day scenario, Insights are obtained even after a failed lesson or job.

PR Activities

When selecting a PR Activity, you will be shown the projected increase in Fan Satisfaction, as well as the stats obtained in exchange for your Insight tokens.
A PR Activity will always succeed. There are no failures, but also no 'perfect' or 'excellent' bonuses.

PR Activities are one of the two ways to consume Insight tokens, awarding stats and an increase to Fan Satisfaction in exchange for all of your currently held tokens. These PR Activities can be selected from the schedule menu, just like lessons and jobs. Unlike lessons or jobs, however, the amount of stats gained from PR activities is based entirely on the numbers and types of Insight tokens consumed.

There are 3 types of PR Activities to choose from:

  • Webcast: boosts vocal stats and fan satisfaction earned by exchanging vocal tokens
  • Shop Event: boosts dance stats and fan satisfaction earned by exchanging dance tokens
  • Product Promotion: boosts visual stats and fan satisfaction earned by exchanging visual tokens

The stat gain for the attribute corresponding to each Insight token type goes up exponentially based on the number of tokens of that type. For example, consuming 2 mental tokens will earn you 9 mental, but consuming 6 mental tokens will earn you 82 mental. This means you will generally see much higher stat rewards if you bring many tokens of the same type, rather than many different types of tokens at once.

Insights Consumed Vocal Insight.png
Vocal Insight
Vocal Insight.png
Vocal Insight
(Other Activity)
Dance Insight.png
Dance Insight
(Shop Event)
Dance Insight.png
Dance Insight
(Other Activity)
Visual Insight.png
Visual Insight
(Product Promotion)
Visual Insight.png
Visual Insight
(Other Activity)
Mental Insight.png
Mental Insight
SSR Insight.png
SSR Insight
0 Vo +8
SP +10
Da +8
SP +10
Vi +8
SP +10
1 Vo +14
SP +12
Vo +3
SP +2
Da +14
SP +12
Da +3
SP +2
Vi +14
SP +12
Vi +3
SP +2
Me +4
SP +2
SP +10
2 Vo +21
SP +14
Vo +7
SP +4
Da +21
SP +14
Da +7
SP +4
Vi +21
SP +14
Vi +7
SP +4
Me +9
SP +4
SP +20
3 Vo +30
SP +17
Vo +12
SP +7
Da +30
SP +17
Da +12
SP +7
Vi +30
SP +17
Vi +12
SP +7
Me +15
SP +7
SP +35
4 Vo +55
SP +20
Vo +26
SP +10
Da +55
SP +20
Da +26
SP +10
Vi +55
SP +20
Vi +26
SP +10
Me +32
SP +10
SP +50
5 Vo +88
SP +25
Vo +44
SP +15
Da +88
SP +25
Da +44
SP +15
Vi +88
SP +25
Vi +44
SP +15
Me +53
SP +15
SP +75
6 Vo +131
SP +30
Vo +68
SP +20
Da +131
SP +30
Da +68
SP +20
Vi +131
SP +30
Vi +68
SP +20
Me +82
SP +20
SP +100
7 Vo +181
SP +35
Vo +96
SP +25
Da +181
SP +35
Da +96
SP +25
Vi +181
SP +35
Vi +96
SP +25
Me +116
SP 25
SP +125
8 Vo +239
SP +40
Vo +128
SP +30
Da +239
SP +40
Da +128
SP +30
Vi +239
SP +40
Vi +128
SP +30
Me +154
SP +30
SP +?
9 Vo +268
SP +45
Vo +144
SP +35
Da +268
SP +45
Da +144
SP +35
Vi +268
SP +45
Vi +144
SP +35
Me +173
SP +35
10 Vo +296
SP +50
Vo +160
SP +40
Da +296
SP +50
Da +160
SP +40
Vi +296
SP +50
Vi +160
SP +40
Me +192
SP +40
11 Vo +325
SP +60
Vo +176
SP +50
Da +325
SP +60
Da +176
SP +50
Vi +325
SP +60
Vi +176
SP +50
Me +212
SP +?
12 Vo +354
SP +70
Vo +192?
SP +60
Da +354
SP +70
Da +192?
SP +60
Vi +354
SP +70
Vi +192?
SP +60
Me +231
SP +?


The G.R.A.D. abilities menu, accessed by clicking the binder in the bottom right of the main produce screen.

In addition to the regular SP-based skill grid, G.R.A.D. introduces new abilities that can be learned in exchange for Insight tokens. Some abilities can only be learned after meeting certain conditions, like learning a previous ability or raising fan satisfaction in a specific block.

The table below shows the abilities available in G.R.A.D. and the tokens required to learn them. SSR tokens can be used as a substitute for any of the 4 other token types.

Name Name (Translated) Insights Required Unlock Condition Effect
Leader適正〇 Leader Aptitude 〇 Mental Insight.png Me x4 Position bonus +10% when in Leader position in Fes
Leader適正◎ Leader Aptitude ◎ Mental Insight.png Me x6 Learn Leader Aptitude 〇 Position bonus +15% when in Leader position in Fes
Vocal適正〇 Vocal Aptitude 〇 Vocal Insight.png Vo x4 Position bonus +10% when in Vocal position in Fes
Vocal適正◎ Vocal Aptitude ◎ Vocal Insight.png Vo x4
Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Learn Vocal Aptitude 〇 Position bonus +15% when in Vocal position in Fes
Center適正〇 Center Aptitude 〇 Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Mental Insight.png Me x1
Position bonus +5% when in Center position in Fes
Center適正◎ Center Aptitude ◎ Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Learn Center Aptitude 〇 Position bonus +10% when in Center position in Fes
Dance適正〇 Dance Aptitude 〇 Dance Insight.png Da x4 Position bonus +10% when in Dance position in Fes
Dance適正◎ Dance Aptitude ◎ Dance Insight.png Da x4
Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Learn Dance Aptitude 〇 Position bonus +15% when in Dance position in Fes
Visual適正〇 Visual Aptitude 〇 Visual Insight.png Vi x4 Position bonus +10% when in Visual position in Fes
Visual適正◎ Visual Aptitude ◎ Visual Insight.png Vi x4
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Learn Visual Aptitude 〇 Position bonus +15% when in Visual position in Fes
オールラウンダー〇 All-rounder 〇 Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Mental Insight.png Me x1
SSR Insight.png SSR x1
Position bonus +5% in Fes
オールラウンダー◎ All-rounder ◎ Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Mental Insight.png Me x1
SSR Insight.png SSR x2
Learn All-rounder 〇 Position bonus +10% in Fes
スペシャリスト Specialist Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Mental Insight.png Me x1
SSR Insight.png SSR x1
Learn All-rounder ◎
Block A,B,C,D Fan Satisfaction >= 20%
All base stats bonus +5% in Fes
スロースターター Slow Starter Vocal Insight.png Vo x3
Mental Insight.png Me x3
Increases appeal strength by 4~20%
(effect increases as turns pass)
スタートダッシュ〇 Start Dash Visual Insight.png Vi x3
Dance Insight.png Da x3
Increases appeal strength by 2~10%
(effect decreases as turns pass)
人気者 Ms. Popular Any x8 Increases judge interest by 3%
物静か Quiet Any x8 Decreases judge interest by 3%
除去:メランコリー1 Dispel Melancholy 1 Any x3 5% chance to remove Melancholy effect on turn start
除去:メランコリー2 Dispel Melancholy 2 Any x5 Learn Dispel Melancholy 1 10% chance to remove Melancholy effect on turn start
除去:リラックス1 Dispel Relax 1 Any x3 5% chance to remove Relax effect on turn start
除去:リラックス2 Dispel Relax 2 Any x5 Learn Dispel Relax 1 10% chance to remove Relax effect on turn start
注目の的 Center of Attention Any x4 Increases attention by 10%
控え目 Modest Any x8 Decreases attention by 3%
Vocal上限+ Vocal Limit+ Vocal Insight.png Vo x3 Block A Fan Satisfaction >= 10%  Increases vocal stat cap by 50
Vocal上限++ Vocal Limit++ Vocal Insight.png Vo x5 Block A Fan Satisfaction >= 60%  Increases vocal stat cap by 75
Vocal上限+++ Vocal Limit+++ Vocal Insight.png Vo x8 Block A Fan Satisfaction >= 100%  Increases vocal stat cap by 100
Dance上限+ Dance Limit+ Dance Insight.png Da x3 Block B Fan Satisfaction >= 10%  Increases dance stat cap by 50
Dance上限++ Dance Limit++ Dance Insight.png Da x5 Block B Fan Satisfaction >= 60%  Increases dance stat cap by 75
Dance上限+++ Dance Limit+++ Dance Insight.png Da x8 Block B Fan Satisfaction >= 100%  Increases dance stat cap by 100
Visual上限+ Visual Limit+ Visual Insight.png Vi x3 Block C Fan Satisfaction >= 10%  Increases visual stat cap by 50
Visual上限++ Visual Limit++ Visual Insight.png Vi x5 Block C Fan Satisfaction >= 60%  Increases visual stat cap by 75
Visual上限+++ Visual Limit+++ Visual Insight.png Vi x8 Block C Fan Satisfaction >= 100%  Increases visual stat cap by 100
メンタル上限+ Mental Limit+ Mental Insight.png Me x3 Block D Fan Satisfaction >= 30%  Increases mental stat cap by 50
メンタル上限++ Mental Limit++ Mental Insight.png Me x5 Block D Fan Satisfaction >= 60%  Increases mental stat cap by 75
メンタル上限+++ Mental Limit+++ Mental Insight.png Me x8 Block D Fan Satisfaction >= 100%  Increases mental stat cap by 100
ボーカルマスター Vocal Master Vocal Insight.png Vo x6
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Learn Vocal Limit+ Remove Vocal Down effect on turn start
ダンスマスター Dance Master Dance Insight.png Da x6
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Learn Dance Limit+ Remove Dance Down effect on turn start
ビジュアルマスター Visual Master Visual Insight.png Vi x6
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Learn Visual Limit+ Remove Visual Down effect on turn start
パーフェクトリィ PerfecTri Vocal Insight.png Vo x2
Dance Insight.png Da x2
Visual Insight.png Vi x2
SSR Insight.png SSR x1
Learn each of the following:
* Vocal Master
* Dance Master
* Visual Master
Increase appeal strength by 10%
ロマンチスト Romanticist Vocal Insight.png Vo x2
Dance Insight.png Da x2
Visual Insight.png Vi x2
SSR Insight.png SSR x2
Learn each of the following:
* Mental Limit+++
* Mental Recovery+
Increases memory gauge charge rate by 5%
Increase appeal strength by 2~10% (effect increases at higher memory gauge)
メンタリスト Mentalist Mental Insight.png Me x6
SSR Insight.png SSR x3
Learn each of the following:
* Mental Limit+++
* Mental Recovery+
Increase appeal strength by 1~5% (effect increases at higher mental)
Increase appeal strength by 2~10% (effect increases at lower mental)
ロールモデル Role-model Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Mental Insight.png Me x1
SSR Insight.png SSR x2
Learn each of the following:
* Vocal Master
* Dance Master
* Visual Master
* Leader Aptitude ◎
All base stats bonus +20% when in Leader position in Fes
スペシャリスト(ボーカル) Specialist (Vocal) Vocal Insight.png Vo x5
SSR Insight.png SSR x3
Learn each of the following:
* Vocal Aptitude ◎
* Vocal Limit+++
* Vocal Master
All base stats bonus +10% when in Vocal position in Fes
スペシャリスト(ダンス) Specialist (Dance) Dance Insight.png Da x5
SSR Insight.png SSR x3
Learn each of the following:
* Dance Aptitude ◎
* Dance Limit+++
* Dance Master
All base stats bonus +10% when in Dance position in Fes
スペシャリスト(ビジュアル) Specialist (Visual) Visual Insight.png Vi x5
SSR Insight.png SSR x3
Learn each of the following:
* Visual Aptitude ◎
* Visual Limit+++
* Visual Master
All base stats bonus +10% when in Visual position in Fes
メンタル回復量+ Mental Recovery+ Mental Insight.png Me x5 Increases mental recovery by 5%
メンタル回復量- Mental Recovery- Any x3   Decreases mental recovery by 5%
アピールUP(思い出高) Appeal UP (Memory High) Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Increase appeal strength by 2~10%
(effect increases at higher memory gauge)
アピールUP(思い出低) Appeal UP (Memory Low) Visual Insight.png Vi x1
Dance Insight.png Da x1
Vocal Insight.png Vo x1
Mental Insight.png Me x2
Increase appeal strength by 4~20%
(effect increases at lower memory gauge)
アピールUP(思い出高&低) Appeal UP (Memory High&Low) Mental Insight.png Me x4
SSR Insight.png SSR x2
Learn each of the following:
* Dispel Melancholy 2
* Dispel Relax 2
* All-rounder ◎
Increase appeal strength by 1~5%
(effect increases at higher memory gauge)
Increase appeal strength by 2~10%
(effect increases at lower memory gauge)
櫻木真乃との絆 Bond with Mano Vocal Insight.png Mano x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Mano is in unit
風野灯織との絆 Bond with Hiori Visual Insight.png Hiori x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Hiori is in unit
八宮めぐるとの絆 Bond with Meguru Dance Insight.png Meguru x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Meguru is in unit
月岡恋鐘との絆 Bond with Kogane Mental Insight.png Kogane x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Kogane is in unit
田中摩美々との絆 Bond with Mamimi Visual Insight.png Mamimi x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Mamimi is in unit
白瀬咲耶との絆 Bond with Sakuya Visual Insight.png Sakuya x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Sakuya is in unit
三峰結華との絆 Bond with Yuika Dance Insight.png Yuika x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Yuika is in unit
幽谷霧子との絆 Bond with Kiriko Vocal Insight.png Kiriko x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Kiriko is in unit
小宮果穂との絆 Bond with Kaho Vocal Insight.png Kaho x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Kaho is in unit
園田智代子との絆 Bond with Chiyoko Mental Insight.png Chiyoko x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Chiyoko is in unit
西城樹里との絆 Bond with Juri Dance Insight.png Juri x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Juri is in unit
杜野凛世との絆 Bond with Rinze Dance Insight.png Rinze x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Rinze is in unit
有栖川夏葉との絆 Bond with Natsuha Mental Insight.png Natsuha x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Natsuha is in unit
大崎甘奈との絆 Bond with Amana Visual Insight.png Amana x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Amana is in unit
大崎甜花との絆 Bond with Tenka Visual Insight.png Tenka x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Tenka is in unit
桑山千雪との絆 Bond with Chiyuki Vocal Insight.png Chiyuki x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Chiyuki is in unit
芹沢あさひとの絆 Bond with Asahi Dance Insight.png Asahi x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Asahi is in unit
黛冬優子との絆 Bond with Fuyuko Vocal Insight.png Fuyuko x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Fuyuko is in unit
和泉愛依との絆 Bond with Mei Mental Insight.png Mei x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Mei is in unit
浅倉透との絆 Bond with Toru Visual Insight.png Toru x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Toru is in unit
樋口円香との絆 Bond with Madoka Vocal Insight.png Madoka x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Madoka is in unit
福丸小糸との絆 Bond with Koito Mental Insight.png Koito x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Koito is in unit
市川雛菜との絆 Bond with Hinana Dance Insight.png Hinana x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Hinana is in unit
七草にちかとの絆 Bond with Nichika Dance Insight.png Nichika x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Nichika is in unit
緋田美琴との絆 Bond with Mikoto Visual Insight.png Mikoto x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Mikoto is in unit
斑鳩ルカとの絆 Bond with Luca Vocal Insight.png Luca x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Luca is in unit
鈴木羽那との絆 Bond with Hana Visual Insight.png Hana x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Hana is in unit
郁田はるきとの絆 Bond with Haruki Mental Insight.png Haruki x4 Increases appeal strength by 5% if Haruki is in unit
基礎能力値UP(+6%) Base Stats UP (+6%) SSR Insight.png SSR x3 Learn each of the following:
* Vocal Master
* Dance Master
* Visual Master
Increase all base stats by 6%
打たれ弱い Fainthearted (Auto-learned) Lose G.R.A.D. Repechage Increases mental damage taken by 10%
打たれ強い Unwavering (Auto-learned) Win G.R.A.D. Repechage Decreases mental damage taken by 5%
思い出-(G.R.A.D.) Memory- (Auto-learned) Lose G.R.A.D. Finals
(Fan Satisfaction up to 200%)
Decreases memory gauge charge rate by 10%
思い出+(G.R.A.D.) Memory+ (Auto-learned) Lose G.R.A.D. Finals
(Fan Satisfaction over 200%)
Increases memory gauge charge rate by 3%
思い出++(G.R.A.D.) Memory++ (Auto-learned) Win G.R.A.D. Finals Increases memory gauge charge rate by 5%

Please note: Abilities that modify 'appeal strength' apply to your entire unit, rather than just the idol that has learned them. When the game calculates appeal strength, these modifiers are applied additively on top of the total buff/debuff percentage. This means that e.g. appeal strength +5% is effectively equivalent to a (perpetual) Vo/Da/Vi +5% active buff.

G.R.A.D. Auditions

Fan Cheering activates on the first turn of G.R.A.D. auditions.

The only auditions in the G.R.A.D. scenario are the G.R.A.D. Qualifiers after season 2, the G.R.A.D. Repechage round after season 4 (if you fail to pass the Qualifiers) and the G.R.A.D. Finals. These auditions play out much like those in the W.I.N.G. scenario, but the rivals and judges you will face are comparatively tough. Your idol must place 1st to pass.

Fan cheering

To help your idol overcome the challenge posed by G.R.A.D. auditions, the G.R.A.D. scenario introduces Fan Cheering. At the start of each audition, your idol will receive a number of fan support buffs. The strength and duration of these buffs depends on the total fan satisfaction level across all 4 blocks.

Total Fan Satisfaction Required Buff Received Effects
>=50%? Fan Support Vocal 30% UP (5 turns)
Dance 30% UP (5 turns)
Visual 30% UP (5 turns)
Reduce incoming mental damage by 30% (once)
>=100%? Fan Support+ Vocal 60% UP (10 turns)
Dance 60% UP (10 turns)
Visual 60% UP (10 turns)
Reduce incoming mental damage by 60% (2 times)
? Fan Support++ Vocal 100% UP (20 turns)
Dance 100% UP (20 turns)
Visual 100% UP (20 turns)
Reduce incoming mental damage by 90% (3 times)


Trends in G.R.A.D. auditions are also based on fan satisfaction levels. Whichever block has the highest fan satisfaction level will decide the #1 trend for the audition:

  • Block A: Vocal
  • Block B: Dance
  • Block C: Visual
  • Block D: ? (Random?)

If you do not raise the fan satisfaction of any block, then the selected trend will be based on whichever block you chose for Seasons 2 and 4.