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Unit Data
Original Name ストレイライト
Romanized Name Sutoreiraito
Translated Name Straylight
Agency 283 Production
Image Color

Straylight is one of the units appearing in SHINY COLORS and Song of Prism, consisting of Asahi Serizawa, Fuyuko Mayuzumi, and Mei Izumi.


Fuyuko Profile02.png Asahi Profile02.png Mei Profile02.png
Fuyuko Mayuzumi Asahi Serizawa Mei Izumi


Hover over the text to see the original.

Clad In Stray Lights, These Girls Become Idols

A charismatic idol unit that travels between reality and non-reality.
Wearing avatars called idols, is singing truth or madness?
The unleashed stray light continues to travel the world today too.
