Chiyoko Sonoda/Commus/Morning
Morning 1?
(Normal) その前にレッスン頑張ろうな
(Good) そのノートに書いていいか?
(Perfect) 上手く書けるようになったか?
Morning 1? Translation
"Good morning Chiyoko, what are you writing?"
(I see. Sign ......)
(Normal) Let's do our best at the lesson before that.
(Good) Can I write on that note?
(Perfect) Have you become able to write well?
Morning 2?
(Normal) お土産頼むな
(Good) チョコの専門店か?
(Perfect) チョコの研究会ができるな
Morning 2? Translation
"Fuufufu ~ ♪ Fuufufufu ~ ♪"
(I see, it will be fun)
(Normal) Do not ask for souvenirs.
(Good) Is it a specialty store for chocolate?
(Perfect) I can have a chocolate research group.
Morning 3?
う~ん、どうしよっかなー? ……あっ、プロデューサーさん! ちょうどいいところに!
(Normal) 猫のヤツ
(Good) お寿司のヤツ
(Perfect) キャンディーのヤツ
Morning 3? Translation
Well, what should I do? ... .... Ah, Producer-san! Just the right place!
(Choose from these three)
(Normal) Cat guy
(Good) Sushi guy
(Perfect) Candy guy
Morning 4?
(Normal) 引いてみたい
(Good) 面白そうだな
(Perfect) どのお菓子が一番?
Morning 4? Translation
Morning 5?
(Normal) それは食べ過ぎ
(Good) 朝ごはんはいっぱい食べた方がいい
(Perfect) レッスンや仕事で消費すればいい
Morning 5? Translation