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P-SR1 Mikoto
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[SEASON] Mikoto Aketa
▶︎ |
- Card Type: Produce
- Card Rarity: SR
- JP Card Name: 【SEASON】緋田美琴
- EN Card Name: 【SEASON】Mikoto Aketa
- How to Acquire: Fes Tours Event
- Release Date (Available Period): 2021/12/22~2022/01/11
Skill Panel
Memory Appeal
Appeal Name | Effect | Link Appeal |
New year | Memory Appeal [LV1] | Dance&Visual 0.5× Appeal |
New year+ | Memory Appeal [LV2] | |
New year++ | Memory Appeal [LV3] / Visual 12% UP [4 turns] |
Dance&Visual 1× Appeal |
New year+++ | Memory Appeal [LV4] / Visual 25% UP [4 turns] | |
[Happy]New year | Memory Appeal [LV5] / Visual 50% UP [4 turns] |
Unique Produce Events
Event Name | Choice | Vocal | Dance | Visual | Mental | SP |
eve | じゃあ差し入れしに行くよ | +15 | +5 | +10 | ||
さすがに休もう | +10 | +5 | ||||
レッスン場空いてるかな | +15 | |||||
next day | --- | +15 | +5 | +10 | ||
new year | --- | True End |