P-SR1 Rinze

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[Omoi Iroha] Rinze Morino

CardImg-1030120010.jpg CardImg-1030120010 FES.jpg
  • Card Type: Produce
  • Card Rarity: SR
  • JP Card Name: 【想ひいろは】杜野凛世
  • EN Card Name: 【The ABCs of Love】Rinze Morino
  • How to Acquire: Permanent Gacha
  • Release Date (Available Period): 2018/04/24

Skill Panel

20SP Visual 5% UP
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: Turn count ≤ 4
Chance: 20%
Maximum 1×
30SP Dance 5% UP Omoi Iroha
Skill Passive DaUp.pngIf: Star count ≤ 9
Chance: 30%
Maximum 1×
Skill Live ViUp.pngVisual 80% UP /
Attention 50% UP [4 turns]
Link: Attention 30% DOWN
[4 turns]
40SP Visual 30% UP (2☆) Visual 5% UP (E) Vocal 15% UP (1☆)
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: Turn count ≤ 3
Chance: 40%
Maximum 1×
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: 1st place
Chance: 40%
Maximum 2×
Skill Passive VoUp.pngIf: Mental ≥ 75%%
Chance: 40%
Maximum 1×
50SP Omoi Iroha+ (4☆) Mental Limit UP (3☆)
Skill Live VoUp.pngVocal 140% UP /
Attention 80% UP [4 turns]
Link: Attention 30% DOWN
[4 turns]
Skill Limit Mental.pngMental Limit +100

Memory Appeal

Appeal Name Effect Link Appeal
Omoi Ichiyou Memory Appeal [LV1] Attention 15% DOWN
[5 turns]
Omoi Ichiyou+ Memory Appeal [LV2]
Omoi Ichiyou++ Memory Appeal [LV3] /
MentalDmg 5% CUT [3 turns]
Attention 30% DOWN
[5 turns]
Omoi Ichiyou+++ Memory Appeal [LV4] /
MentalDmg 10% CUT [3 turns]
[Rautashi, Rinze] Omoi Ichiyou
Memory Appeal [LV5] /
MentalDmg 20% CUT [3 turns]

Unique Produce Events

Event Name Choice Vocal Dance Visual Mental SP
想いぬれど --- +20 +5 +10
雨宿り ……なんか、誰もいないな +20 +5 +10
やっぱり上着を貸そうか? +20
早く晴れて欲しいよな +20
これからのふたり --- True End


Click here for card specific commus.


  1. https://wikiwiki.jp/shinycolors/【想ひいろは】杜野凛世
  2. https://shinycolors.moe/pcardinfo?uuid=aad3d181-605f-4157-a9c0-92e019af3c3d