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P-SSR9 Asahi

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[Moonlight Garden] Asahi Serizawa

CardImg-1040170090.jpg CardImg-1040170090 FES.jpg
▶︎ ▶︎
  • Card Type: Produce
  • Card Rarity: SSR
  • JP Card Name: 【ムーンライト・ガーデン】芹沢あさひ
  • EN Card Name: 【Moonlight Garden】Asahi Serizawa
  • How to Acquire: Permanent Gacha
  • Release Date (Available Period): 2024/09/18

Skill Panel

20SP Moonlight Garden
Skill Live VoVi.pngVocal 3.5x Appeal
[Fortify Live Status VoUp.pngLive Status VoDown.png*2] /
Vocal&Visual 30% UP [10 turns] /
Visual 5% UP [5 turns]
Link : Vocal&Visual 50% UP [4 turns]
30SP Vocal&Visual 50% UP (1☆) Vocal Limit UP
Skill Passive VoViUp.pngIf: Turn count ≤ 2
Chance: 20%
Maximum 1x
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +50
40SP Moonlight Garden+ (3☆) Vocal&Visual 85% UP (2☆) Vocal Limit UP (E)
Skill Live VoVi.pngVisual 4.5x Appeal
[Fortify Live Status ViUp.pngLive Status ViDown.png*2] /
Vocal&Visual 60% UP [10 turns] /
Visual 10% UP [5 turns]
Link : Vocal&Visual 50% UP [4 turns]
Skill Passive VoViUp.pngIf: Live Status ViUp.png ≥ 3
Chance: 30%
Maximum 2x
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +50
50SP Vocal&Visual Limit UP (3☆) Vocal&Visual Limit UP (2☆) Visual Limit UP (4☆) Visual 85% UP (4☆)
Skill Limit VoVi.pngVocal & Visual
Limit +100
Skill Limit VoVi.pngVocal & Visual
Limit +50
Skill Limit Vi.pngVisual Limit +150
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: w/ Straylight
Chance: 20%
Maximum 2x

Memory Appeal

Appeal Name Effect Link Appeal
Ki Nobori Meijin Memory Appeal [LV1] Visual Maximum 1x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Ki Nobori Meijin+ Memory Appeal [LV2] Visual Maximum 1.5x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Ki Nobori Meijin++ Memory Appeal [LV3] /
Visual Maximum 1x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Visual Maximum 2x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Ki Nobori Meijin+++ Memory Appeal [LV4] /
Visual Maximum 2x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Visual Maximum 2.5x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
[Tsuki to Tawamure]Ki Nobori Meijin
Memory Appeal [LV5] /
Visual Maximum 3x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]
Visual Maximum 3x Appeal
[Remove Live Status ViUp.png]



Music Style
Cute S Cool C
Positive A Relax C
Emotional A

High S Medium B
Slow B

Fine A Sunny A
Cloudy C Rain B

Unique Produce Events

Event Name Choice Vocal Dance Visual Mental SP
ランドスケープ研究 ちゃんと、かな +20 +5 +10
それも そうだけど…… +20
どっちもあって いいと思う +20
裸足の姫君 ……本当はさ +20 +5 +10
こんなところにあったのか +20
……このままだと消えてしもう +20
射撃手は風を読む じゃあ、これを撃ってみてくれ +20 +10 +10
それ、貸してみて +20
ボーってしてると…… +20
エバーグリーンの住人 --- +20 +10 +10
384,400km --- True End


  1. https://wikiwiki.jp/shinycolors/【ムーンライト・ガーデン】芹沢あさひ
  2. https://shinycolors.moe/pcardinfo?uuid=34dc6098-7dad-4c02-ab04-1aca3ddc94fc