P-SSR9 Madoka

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[Junk-tion] Madoka Higuchi

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▶︎ ▶︎
  • Card Type: Produce
  • Card Rarity: SSR
  • JP Card Name: 【ジャンク・ション】樋口円香
  • EN Card Name: 【Junk-tion】Madoka Higuchi
  • How to Acquire: Parallel Collection Limited Gacha
  • Release Date (Available Period): 2024/07/18~2024/07/30

Skill Panel

20SP Junk-tion
Skill Live VoMulti.pngVocal 3.5x Appeal
to All Judges
Vocal 100% UP [4 turns]
per successful dodge

[2 turns/3 times]
Plus: [If: Live Status ReactionUp.png ≥ 2]
Attention 50% UP [3 turns]
30SP Vocal Limit UP Vocal Limit UP
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +50
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +50
40SP Vocal 100% UP /
Evasion 30% UP (2☆)
Vocal 60% UP /
Attention 50% UP (1☆)
Vocal Limit UP (3☆)
Skill Passive VoReaction UP.pngIf: w/ noctchill
Chance: 30%
Maximum 3×
Skill Passive VoUpAttentionUp.pngIf: Turn count ≤ 2
Chance: 35%
Maximum 1×
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +100
50SP Vocal 150% UP /
Attention 50% UP (4☆)
Junk-tion+ (4☆) Vocal Limit UP (2☆) Vocal Limit UP (4☆)
Skill Passive VoUpAttentionUp.pngIf: Live Status ReactionUp.png ≥ 2
Chance: 30%
Maximum 2× [Restricted]
Skill Live VoMulti.pngVocal 4.5x Appeal
to All Judges
Vocal 120% UP [4 turns]
per successful dodge

[3 turns/3 times]
Plus: [If: Live Status ReactionUp.png ≥ 2]
Attention 50% UP [3 turns]
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +100
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +150

Memory Appeal

Appeal Name Effect Link Appeal Charge Appeal
P.S. Memory Appeal [LV1] Vocal Maximum 1.5x Appeal
[effect UP at higher Reaction]
Vocal 1x Appeal
P.S.+ Memory Appeal [LV2] Vocal Maximum 2x Appeal
[effect UP at higher Reaction]
Vocal 1.25x Appeal
P.S.++ Memory Appeal [LV3] /
Vocal 1x Appeal
Vocal Maximum 2.5x Appeal
[effect UP at higher Reaction]
Vocal 1.5x Appeal
P.S.+++ Memory Appeal [LV4] /
Vocal 2x Appeal
Vocal Maximum 3x Appeal
[effect UP at higher Reaction]
Vocal 2x Appeal
Memory Appeal [LV5] /
Vocal 3x Appeal
Vocal Maximum 3.5x Appeal
[effect UP at higher Reaction]
Vocal 2.5x Appeal



Music Style
Cute C Cool SS
Positive C Relax S
Emotional S

High B Medium SS
Slow B

Fine D Sunny A
Cloudy SS Rain D

Unique Produce Events

Event Name Choice Vocal Dance Visual Mental SP
マンホール それは…… +30 +15 +20
諦めが悪いんだ +30
それでも +30
高架下 --- +30 +10 +10 +15 +20
忘れ物 --- True End


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  1. https://wikiwiki.jp/shinycolors/【ジャンク・ション】樋口円香
  2. https://shinycolors.moe/pcardinfo?uuid=a2e8408f-94d3-4d0e-a831-3fbd73a3f9a0