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S-SSR1 Hiori

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[Minna to Musunda mono] Hiori Kazano

  • Card Type: Support
  • Card Rarity: SSR
  • Card Idea: Dance
  • JP Card Name: 【みんなと結んだもの】風野灯織
  • EN Card Name: 【What Links Me to Everyone】Hiori Kazano
  • How to Acquire: Permanent Gacha
  • Release Date (Available Period): 2018/08/31

Skill Panel

20SP Visual 7% UP
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: w/ Hiori
Chance: 10%
Maximum 1×
30SP Visual 7% UP Visual Appeal IV
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: Star count ≥ 10
Chance: 20%
Maximum 1×
Skill Live Vi.pngVisual 2.5× Appeal
40SP Vocal&Dance&Visual 20% UP (2☆) Visual 7% UP Visual 21% UP (1☆)
Skill Passive AllUp.pngIf: 1st place
Chance: 30%
Maximum 1×
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: Turn count ≤ 4
Chance: 30%
Maximum 1×
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: Visual position
Chance: 30%
Maximum 1×
50SP Minna to Musunda mono (4☆) Visual 7% UP (E) Vocal Limit UP Visual Limit UP (3☆)
Skill Live Vi.pngVisual 3× Appeal /
Dance&Visual 15% UP
[3 turns]
Skill Passive ViUp.pngIf: w/ Hiori
Chance: 40%
Maximum 2×
Skill Limit Vo.pngVocal Limit +50
Skill Limit Vi.pngVisual Limit +100

Support Skills

Live Skill

Appeal Name Description Card LV
Visual Appeal IV Visual 2.5× Appeal 1-80

Fes Skill (match live)

Skill Description
Perfect Chance % UP Increase Live Skill perfect chance by (22,26,30)% when activated

Mastery/Unique Support Skill

Mastery Description
Visual Mastery Vi additional [LV×1] Visual gain when training together in Visual room

Skill Level Unlocks

Support Skill Card LV / Skill LV
1 5 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Idol's Bond 2 3 4 6 10
Visual Mastery Vi 2 4 8 14
Promise Recovery 2
Trouble Guard 1 3 6
Stamina Support 1 3

Support Events

Event Name Vocal Dance Visual Mental SP
不安と安心と +10 +10 +10 +10
幸運の彩りを繋いで +10 +10 +10 +10 +15
お返しには甘さを添えて +30 +10 +15


Card LV Vocal Dance Visual Mental
1 66 60 66 48
60 165 150 165 120
80 206 188 206 150


Click here for card specific commus.


  1. https://wikiwiki.jp/shinycolors/【みんなと結んだもの】風野灯織
  2. https://shinycolors.moe/scardinfo?uuid=56c18277-5e13-402e-a395-acb83fad4139