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Koito Fukumaru

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Koito Fukumaru
Character Data
Name: 福丸小糸 (Fukumaru Koito)
Voice actor: 田嶌紗蘭 (Tajima Saran)
Age: 16
Height: 148 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Birthday: November 11th
Blood type: O
Three sizes: 71-54-73
Hobbies: Reading
Skills: Study
Handedness: Right
Horoscope: Scorpio
Hometown: Tokyo
Image Color:     

Koito Fukumaru is one of the idols that can be produced in THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS. She is voiced by Saran Tajima. She is part of the quartet unit noctchill, with Toru Asakura, Madoka Higuchi and Hinana Ichikawa.


"Hyah!? Wh-wh-wha-what is it…!? Did I do something!?"
"I am… to-totally fine...!" (Song for prism)

Character Description

A girl who is reminiscent of a small animal: bold at home, meek elsewhere. She is a diligent hard worker and is good at studying. She gets easily tricked and often gets teased by her childhood friends. She is in her 1st year of high school.

Despite being easily startled and tiny, Koito is a hardworker who sees herself as the mature friend who holds their group together. Ever since she was small, her strict parents pressured her to be an honor student, so she didn't get to experience a lot of her childhood (for example, she says in her S-SSR1 card that she's never been to a Halloween party before). She often tries to act boastful or bold, but her true, more timid and childish nature always shines through. However, even though she tries to act responsible, she often feels self-conscious about how much harder she has to work at becoming an idol than everyone else.

List of Commus

Click here for character specific commus.


See Also: noctchill#Discography


  • Koito's parents are very strict and want her to focus strictly on academic success. She initially kept becoming an idol a secret from them.
  • She is one of the few people Madoka will act softly towards, and will often give candy as a gift.
  • Her given name, Koito means small thread. Two kanjis in her name; 小 (ko) and 糸 (ito) mean small and thread respectively.
  • She often says "pya/pyeh/pi" when startled.
  • She is notably the last member of the quartet to join noctchill.

Card Gallery and Info

For other official art and 2D outfit sprites, click here.

Produce Card List

Support Card List