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Nichika Nanakusa

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Nichika Nanakusa
Character Data
Name: 七草にちか (Nanakusa Nichika)
Voice actor: 紫月杏朱彩 (Shizuki Azusa)
Age: 16
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Birthday: July 26th
Blood type: O
Three sizes: 82-55-84
Hobbies: Music Appreciation
Skills: Housework
Handedness: Right
Horoscope: Leo
Hometown: Saitama
Image Color:     

Nichika Nanakusa is one of the idols that can be produced in THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS. She is voiced by Azusa Shizuki. She is part of the duo unit SHHis, with Mikoto Aketa.


I'm not here just to make memories! You get what I mean, right? Producer-san!
Are you going to say something? 3, 2, 1─ (Song for prism)

Character Description

Everyone's "little sister" who is strong-willed and adept at getting people to spoil her. She has a strong admiration for idols, and would sometimes show off a competitive side that refuses any sort of compromise. She is in her 1st year of high school, and works part-time at a record store.

Energetic and passionate with a bit of a cheeky (sometimes to the point of being rude) side, but otherwise pretty ordinary in terms of talent. She's a huge fan of idols, and wants to be just as good as her favorite idol, Nami Yakumo, who released one song and disappeared. However, Nichika has a hidden side that struggles a lot with anxiety and low confidence. Later in her route, she states that she only successfully became an idol and gained fans because she "got lucky", and she's concerned her luck will run out.

List of Commus

Click here for character specific commus.


See Also: SHHis#Discography


  • She is Hazuki Nanakusa's younger sister.
  • The Nanakusa siblings' father passed away some time ago. Their mother is currently hospitalized for an unknown reason. In one of Nichika's lines, she asks if the Producer wants to go to her parent-teacher conference in her place.
  • She dislikes fukujinzuke.

Card Gallery and Info

For other official art and 2D outfit sprites, click here.

Produce Card List

Support Card List