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Character Data
Name: MEMちょ (Memu-Cho)
Voice Actor: 大久保瑠美 (Ookubo Rumi)
Age: 18
Height: 155 cm
School Year: Highschool 3rd Year
Agency: Ichigo Productions
Unit: B-Komachi
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MEMCho (MEMちょ Memu-Cho) is an idol who is part of the trio unit B-Komachi under the agency Ichigo Productions. She is voiced by Rumi Ookubo (大久保瑠美 Ookubo Rumi) . She was first released as an Event S-SSR card for the Scenario Event "Belles of three.Stray match", as part of THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS×TV Anime "Oshi no Ko" In-game Collaboration that ran from July 10th to August 9th, 2023.


"I'm counting on you, alright~? W.I.N.G.'s super experienced and capable Producer-san~" (2nd Collaboration Quote)

Character Profile

A high school senior who is a popular YouTuber.
She has 370,000 subscribers and 638,000 followers on TikTok.

2nd Collab Q&A

Houkago Climax Girls Impression of MEMCho Q&A
Idol Question Answer
Kaho Komiya Q. MEMちょさんの第一印象は? A. 優しいお姉さんです! あたしが困ってる時に助けてくれたので!
Chiyoko Sonoda Q. MEMちょさんは一言で言うとどんな人? A. 『ムードメーカー』です! その場をパッと明るく楽しくしてくれる人ですから!
Rinze Morino Q. MEMちょさんのチャームポイントは? A. 可愛らしいツノから、目が離せません
Natsuha Arisugawa Q. MEMちょさんを動物にたとえるなら? A. 猫が浮かびました
Juri Saijo Q. MEMちょさんとの印象的なエピソードは? A. SNSのコツとかを教えてもらいました

Card Gallery and Info

For other official art and 2D outfit sprites, click here.

Produce Card List

Support Card List
